Cotswolds Aqua

Built in the heart of The Cotswolds

This water feature is the perfect example of how a well thought out garden design with water at the heart of it will completely transform a garden into a wonderful masterpiece. Not only is this space giving the client year-round enjoyment but it is also a magnet for local wildlife
Services 1, Services 2, Services 3
Location: Cotswolds
Project Cost: £50,000

A Stunning Water Garden Design

This water feature showcases how a garden centered around water can become a breathtaking masterpiece. It offers year-round enjoyment for the client while attracting local wildlife. The natural garden slope directs attention to waterfalls that flow over varied cascades into a crystal-clear pond. Spanning 10 by 3 meters and nearly a meter deep, the pond provides an ideal habitat for koi and other fish, ensuring their comfort even in colder months.

Natural Design and Sustainable Ecosystem

Hand-selected granite boulders give the feature a natural look, while filters, a gravel bed, and oxygenated water maintain clarity without UV sterilizers. Skimmers remove debris, and underwater jets ensure constant movement, preventing stagnation. This low-maintenance design supports thriving aquatic life, creating a serene retreat for both homeowners and wildlife.
